“Diamondback explorer” by CMDR GhostNappa4200
Long range travel on a small fuel tank. Refueling is a requirement to run this as it can handle less than 15 jumps. Extremely good at scouting for carrier management. Also good for 15,000 ly runs. Its not going to get you there instantly but range is what I prioritized in this build.
Read MoreAnaconda – “TFS Aimless Wanderer (Amy)”
Build with the sole purpose of exploration, soon to depart LHS 197 for Colonia.
Read MoreDiamondback Explorer – “by CMDR Dogstar”
A basic explorer.
Read MoreDiamondback Explorer – “FC Jump Scout”
The purpose of this build was simple: To have a cheap and effective ship to scout out the next jump of my Fleet Carrier. That is really it. Moving your fleet carrier is an expensive endeavor. Frontier penalizes you on several fronts for moving the large space brick. Here is how jumping your Fleet Carrier…
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