What is the Best Build?

There is no one "best" ship build in Elite Dangerous, as different ships and builds are better suited to different roles and play styles. However, here are a few things to consider when choosing a ship and building it for a specific role:

  1. Consider the ship's size and capabilities: Different ships have different strengths and weaknesses. Larger ships may be more durable and have more powerful weapons, but they may also be slower and more difficult to maneuver. Smaller ships may be more agile and easier to fly, but they may also be more vulnerable to damage.
  2. Choose the right modules: Each ship has a limited number of module slots, and the modules you choose will depend on the role you want your ship to play. For example, if you want to focus on mining, you may want to equip your ship with mining lasers, a refinery, and cargo-carrying modules. If you want to focus on combat, you may want to equip your ship with weapons, shields, and engines that improve your speed and maneuverability.
  3. Balance your build: It is important to find a balance between the different aspects of your ship. For example, if you load your ship up with too many weapons, you may sacrifice some of its cargo capacity or durability.

Ultimately, the best ship build will depend on your personal preferences and the resources you have available. Experiment with different configurations and see what works best for you. Sorry, I know that isn't really an answer but it is the truth. o7