Elite Dangerous Ship Builds

100% User Submitted Ship Builds


I'm starting a community here, and would encourage anyone who can foster a community to check this out!


Welcome to Elite Dangerous Ship Builds - a platform that provides detailed ship configurations for players to explore. Elite Dangerous ships serve as a player's "character," and there are countless possibilities for customizing them. Building a ship requires significant time and personal investment. This site aims to bring inspiration and guidance for creating your own unique builds. We've shared our own fleet as a starting point, and we're eager to hear about and feature other players' builds as well. Most of these builds are the result of extensive engineering and represent many hundreds of hours of work. For those who haven't invested as much time, these builds can serve as aspirational goals to strive for. Ultimately, our goal is to spark ideas and help you create amazing ships in Elite Dangerous.

We appreciate your submissions, CMDRs. Please note that since this is a hobby site, it may take as long as a few weeks for your build to be listed, but typically much sooner (try to do it within the day). However, we encourage you to continue submitting them as it contributes to the site and gives you recognition for your fantastic builds. Keep building the best!


Below are some good references to understand. Some of the builds use Power Play modules and weapons. Each power play module at the VERY LEAST takes 1 month (4 weeks) to get. As CMDR Exegious states in his referenced video if you are not pledged you are wasting time. There is no advantage of being unpledged. It is also important to understand that only 5 ships in the game offer the Huge Hardpoint. If you know you want a build with the biggest class of weapon you can get, only one of these 5 ships (currently) offers such a hardpoint. Three large ships and two medium ships.


These are typically agreed to be the best most versatile ships in the game, with the Asp Explorer and Python being used most according to Inara.

  1. Cobra
  2. Diamondback Explorer
  3. Asp Explorer
  4. Python
  5. Krait
  6. Anaconda


Fewer than you think.

  1. Federal Corvette
  2. Anaconda
  3. Fer-de-Lance
  4. Imperial Cutter
  5. Mamba


  1. Enforcer Cannon - C1 Multi-Cannon Lower RoF - Simguru Pranav Antal
  2. Retributor Beam Laser - C1 Beam Laser Heat Damage - Edmund Mahon
  3. Cytoscrambler - C1 Burst Laser High Shield/Low Hull - Archon Delaine
  4. Mining Lance - C1 Mining Laser Low Damage - Zemina Torval
  5. Imperial Hammer - C2 Rail Cannon Multishot - Arissa Lavigny-Duval
  6. Pack-Hound Missile Rack - C2 High DPS Seeking Missiles - Li Yong-Rui
  7. Pulse Disruptor - C2 Pulse Laser System Malfunctions - Felicia Winters
  8. Pacifier Frag-Cannon - C3 Frag Cannon Long Range/Low Power - Zachary Hudson
  9. Advanced Plasma Accelerator - C3 Higher RoF PA - Denton Patreus