Vagrant Survivor, Deep Space Explorer [VS-DSE] by CMDR Rozoeh / Rattling Revenant
Worst case scenario, We lose the Thargoid-Human war. Stations, outposts and surface bases are going to be FAR and few in between, if any are left. Self sufficiency will be critically vital, for the fleeting survivors. may not be the BEST in any category, but it does what it NEEDS to, to be able to…
Read MoreKrait 72 by CMDR SEBASTIAN8
Why would you use this ship? While it doesn’t have the jump range of Asp or Anaconda, it has better optional internals then the asp, and it’s not as expensive as Anaconda. Not to mention it really looks better then both. The 3C fuel tank will force you to make almost every jump a fuel…
Read MoreKrait 70.2 by CMDR SEBASTIAN8
Just a very lovely ship, but the fuel tank forces you to be very careful.
Read MoreDB-E by CMDR Todokoui
I use this ship for trading but also meeting friends who are far away from my current system and the ship itself looks good 🙂
Read MoreSS. independence II by CMDR waker of the sky
I needed a exploration ship but was tired of the aspX
Read MoreShadowstrider by CMDR Prom3thean
I use this build for general exploration and trade scouting, though it is perfect for all-purpose sightseeing. I built this ship because it reminded me of my first real exploration vessel, I was never satisfied with any other exploration ship, until I circled back to my first true explorer: The DBX.
Read MoreCurrent ship by CMDR UNCAGEDTERROR
For exploring
Read MoreJumpconda by CMDR peenut1995
Read More70 Somethin’ DBX by CMDR BOBBITT80
Although previously, my build had no defensive capability and got me 2 more LY, I still needed to be able to defend my ship, as if I got interdicted or attacked, there was almost a 100% I was going to lose all of my exploration data, so I added some thermal vent beam lasers and…
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