Forced Negotiation by CMDR L. Bobbitt



Ship Build Purpose

Build Description

After seeing a video by Depression Channel titled “A Perfectly Normal Mamba Video”, I was intrigued by the prospect of a ship meant to ram with bulky weight and speed, then using frags to lay into an opponent’s armor. I wanted to take this a step further by changing the kinetic energy dispersed in each shot to truly milk the most out of a ramming ship’s potential. The shields are also nice for massacre missions or soloing wing assassination missions.

Pros and Cons


-> Enough shields for most combat in game
-> Speed comparable to most fast PvP Metas
-> Enough weight that the ship itself can be used as a force shell round
-> Back-up Frag Cannons to raise DPS potential


-> Low jump range
-> E rated hull reinforcements lowers armor potential
-> B rated core internals lower potential speed semi-dramatically
-> despite G5 Rapid-Fire, Cannons still take precious time to reload

Materials Required

The following numbers assume the following rolls required to progress:

Grade 1 rolls - 2
Grade 2 rolls - 4
Grade 3 rolls - 5
Grade 4 rolls - 7
Grade 5 rolls - 10

This can vary greatly since rolls are randomized events, which means these are at best estimates to target.

This build either requires no materials, or the source of the information was from EDSY.